This form implies registration in the Parallel Activities of the International Biennial of Sculpture 2018.
All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Tip: To reduce the time of form submission follow this pattern with the resolution of the images:

-Personal photos and photos of the project: maximum 640×480.

Click here to download Regulation in PDF

The Government of the Province of Chaco, along with the Urunday Foundation, established the Organizing Committee to carry out the “International Biennial of Sculpture 2018”. The contest will be performed in the city of Resistencia, Chaco, Republica Argentina, from the 14th of July to the 21st of July, 2016.

Conditions for participants of the Parallel Activities:

1. The selected artis will be chosen due to their achievements in regional, national and international sculpture competitions, exhibitions, fairs and events.

2. They will work with various materials on a unique and unpublished sculpture.

3. Each participating sculptor will receive U$S 1.500,00 (one thousand and five hundred US dollars) as payment for their work plus transportation expenses.

4. Each sculptor must fill in the registration form, submit the project and materials list before November, 30th, 2017.

5. Sculptors will arrove to Resistencia during the month of July, 2018, depending on the scheduled time to perform their planned work. Sculptors must bring their own tools, including grinder.

6. All of the participant’s works will be exhibited for sixty (60) days or as lons as its durabulity allows its exhibition. Afterwards, the Organizing Committee will determine the usage of the works.

7. The Organizing Committee will also provide transportation Buenos Aires – Resistencia – Buenos Aires on a sleeping-car bus service with dinner provided. The trip will be 12 hours approximately.

8. Sculptors will work out doors in open air and under any weather conditions. Working hours will be ruled by the “Exclusive Program for Participant Sculptors” of the contest. Once the contest is over, sculptors will not be able to continue working.

9. If any participant finishes ahead of schedule, it is mandatory to remain in the venue until the last day and must attend the award ceremony.

10. Participants are required to attend all events organized by the Organizing Committee.

11. Lodging and living expenses for participants and invited sculptors will be provided by the Organizing Committee (double-bed room, breakfast, lunch, dinner) from 6:00 PM the day before initiating the contest until 6:00 PM, July 21st. Extra expenses, such as phone calls and drinks, will not be provided.

12. Each participant must hold medical insurance. Otherwise and for any eventuality, medical charges must be paid by the participants.

13. All rights on video recordings, bindings and photographs taken during the event are reserved to the Organizing Committee. Advertising in the working areas will be scheduled by the Organizing Committee exclusively.

14. In case of non-compliance of any point of this Regulation, the Organizing Committee has the right to accept or deny participants.

15. Any event or circumstance not covered by these rules shall be decided by the Organizing Committee.